The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding screen media exposure (except for video chat, which is appropriate for children of all ages) before age 18 months and setting screen time limits of one hour per day or less for older toddlers and preschoolers. However, recent research shows that young children are spending an average of 2.5 hours DAILY on screens. If you find this number alarming, you’re not alone!
Digital technologies such as televisions, tablets, and smartphones have become central to modern society. Screens can be a valuable tool for parents to use with and for their children. However, face-to-face human interaction will always be the primary and preferred way for young children to learn. A child ages 0-6 is in the absorbent mind stage of development, soaking in everything in the environment easily and completely. This means the good and the bad are taken in equally. It also means the child cannot absorb what is not there, so as adults it's our responsibility to provide an environment rich in concrete experiences, language(s), art, culture, discovery, exploration, and most importantly, emotional connection and a sense of love and security.
Technology is useful, but not essential, for young children. Whether or not your family chooses to engage with technology in the home is a personal decision. Evaluating your unique family situation and values is important to determine whether and how technology fits in. There is a distinct difference between intentional, mindful media use that contributes to a child’s knowledge and development and habitual media use without a clear benefit to the child. It’s necessary to carefully consider the impact of our technological choices on growing young minds. In the same way that Montessori materials are introduced to children with a set of lessons, safety precautions, and guidelines, home media use for young children requires a knowledgeable guide. Parents play an essential role in shaping children’s media literacy and guiding them to learn healthy boundaries around using technology as a tool.
While technology is rarely included in the Montessori classroom, applying Montessori principles to screen time provides a framework for home media use with young children. Here are a few of our favorite Montessori-based approaches to setting healthy boundaries around technology and choosing media that contributes to children's well-being.
Freedom Within Limits
Follow the Child
Practical Life
Behavior Modeling
Montessori education is a preparation for life. As caregivers, it's important to consider what kind of life we hope to create for our children. Media use is not essential to childhood, but if you do choose to use media at home we hope that these tips serve as a helpful guide for making the most of your child's screen time experiences.
Guernsey, L. (2007). Into the minds of babes: How screen time affects children from birth to age five. Basic
McDaniel, B. T., & Radesky, J. S. (2018). Technoference: Parent distraction with technology and associations
with child behavior problems. Child development, 89(1), 100-109.
Ohme, J., Araujo, T., de Vreese, C. H., & Piotrowski, J. T. (2021). Mobile data donations: Assessing self-report
accuracy and sample biases with the iOS Screen Time function. Mobile Media & Communication, 9(2), 293-313.
Rideout, V., & Robb, M. B. (2020). The Common Sense census: Media use by kids age zero to eight. San
Francisco, CA: Common Sense Media.
Cross of Life Montessori School
1000 Hembree Rd, Roswell, GA 30076, United States of America