Cross of Life Montessori School

Toddler Class Supply List

Toddler Class Supplies

Please bring the following items to school on or before your child’s first full morning in the toddler class:

★   3-5 family pictures including pictures of the most prominent people in your child’s life (this includes babysitters, grandparents and the people your child would see on a weekly basis). 

★   CLOTHING: 2 shirts, 2 bottoms, 2 pairs of socks, 2 cotton underwear (regardless of potty training) All should be labeled with your child’s name.

★   SHOES: Children should come in everyday shoes, details below. Please send inside Montessori slippers & outdoor rain boots (label - these will stay at school)

●    Everyday shoes should be supportive, easy to get on and off, and ok to get dirty when outside.

●    Sneakers are the best option as we spend time outside daily.

●    Independence with shoes is the most practical for development.

●    Everyday, upon arrival, each child will change into their “inside shoes”. 

●    We also encourage a pair of rain boots to be left at school. Please do not send your child to school in rain boots.

★   If your child is not potty trained - 2 regular size packages of diapers. Individualized plans for toileting needs will be respected and carried out as the students are showing their signs of readiness. Contact for replacement supplies will always be communicated.

★   4 containers of toileting wipes (these wipes will be shared among the class, so hypoallergenic or chemical free brands are recommended as communal needs)

★   4 containers of disinfectant wipes (clorox, lysol, etc.)

★   4 pump bottles of hand soap (hypoallergenic recommended)

★   2 boxes of soft tissues

★   filled water bottle (back and forth everyday of scheduled days)

★   Please label all personal items with your child's initials or name (Mabel’s Labels and Name Bubbles: 2 great companies for labels, or initials with permanent marker)

Clothing Considerations

Clothes should be comfortable and allow for freedom of movement and independence in dressing. Please do not send in clothing with characters from TV shows or movies as these can be quite distracting. Clothes that can be easily laundered are highly recommended, since we never know when there may be a leftover puddle at the bottom of the slide or when your budding Picasso gets paint somewhere other than the paper! For shoes, see the description above in our class supplies list.


In conclusion, do not send your child to school in anything that will not survive mud, paint, tomato sauce, or yogurt. Making messes is a constant part of toddler life – of course, you already knew that! Also, please label every item of clothing, down to mittens and socks, with your child’s name! We simply can not keep track of everyone’s clothes, and young children just don’t know the difference between what is theirs and what they wish was theirs! Labeling clothes helps us get them back to the right child.

Snack and Lunch

Snack - Parents take turns bringing snack for the class on a rotating schedule. You can see the shopping list below. If you do not want to shop, the school is happy to handle shopping and delivery through Instacart. To use this option, send $100 through Paypal the Friday before your snack week, and let your child's teacher know. Please note the school is peanut free.

Lunch – If your child stays for lunch, please send a lunchbox with a healthy, nut-free lunch. Water is served with lunch, please do not send a drink. 

Lunch must include the following:

- ice pack if food requires refrigeration

- 1-2 servings of protein (we do not serve milk due to allergies and various dietary preferences), parents are encouraged to pack 2 servings of protein

- 1-2 fruit and/or vegetable servings

- 1 serving of grains, whole grains preferred

Toddler Sack Shopping List
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